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And today, we dive into the power of the familiar interface.
– Neal
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Want to get in front of 90,000 founders and marketers? Here's everything you need to know.
This week's tactics
Taking advantage of a familiar interface
Insight from us.
Let’s play a game.
I’ll share 3 ads, and you tell me why I think they're clever.
Okay, here they are (click for high-res):
Figure it out?
That’s right. They each reuse an absurdly common interface: Texts, Calendar, and right-click tooltip.
These ads are clever and effective for a few reasons:
- Familiarity Bias: We gravitate to familiar things.
- Peculiarity: They’re completely unignorable. They stand out, demand closer inspection, and are shareworthy:
- You don't expect to see a message thread on a sign. You’d walk up to it.
- You don’t expect to see a calendar at a bus stop. You’d stop to read it.
- You don’t expect to see a tooltip on a photo of a woman’s face. You’d assume it was a mistake, pause to take a closer look, or take a picture of their mistake, and then you’d notice it’s intentional.
- Memorable: Most people don’t need the product when they see an advertisement. It’s critical that your ads are so memorable that they think of you when they do need it.
- They’re funny: Each leaves you with a smile.
Why does that all matter?
Consumer neuroscience research has found that highly successful ads score well on three key dimensions:
- Attention (familiarity + peculiarity),
- Conversion to long-term memory (peculiarity + humor),
- Emotional engagement (humor)
These ads hit the mark for all 3.
Here are a few more examples of ads that leverage this tactic
These ads all mimic apps that every Apple user knows:
And these two mimic Instagram DMs and stories:
Here’s McDonald’s using their classic format of replicating their BigMac with color symbols, but doing it in a calendar interface that tells a story:

There are infinite ways you can do this.
The key is to find interfaces or environments that your ideal customer is intimately familiar with then to use them in a completely unexpected context:
- For accountants: Quickbooks, Xero, or Excel.
- For salespeople: Salesforce, HubSpot, Gmail, Spam, or Zoom.
- For gamers: Twitch, Discord, Steam, or Fortnite.
- For lawyers: a golf course.
Or you can leverage the classics that everyone knows: texts, calendars, calls, Windows, email, excel, and PowerPoint.
PS: I couldn't resist an opportunity for a Rick Roll.
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— Neal & Justin, and the DC team.