Growth Newsletter #152
(Man the 80s were a strange time culturally.)
Only a handful of days left in 2023. Here's the final Growth Newsletter of the year:
Topics for the day: Gamify daily usage. Take back, charge more. The "Price Hike" strategy.
Let's dive in 🎊
– Neal
Community Spotlight
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News you can use:
Honestly this is the week where everyone is just recapping 2023 and making predictions for 2024, so not much useful things to announce here. So I won't!
Startups are the clients that agencies don't want:
- Founders are cash conscious.
- They have strong BS detectors.
- They expect fast action and responses.
- And they change their mind.
An agency wants a huge company with a lot of bureaucracy that they can land on a long-term contract and burn through a bunch of time waiting for "internal alignment."
And that they can dazzle each week on a call with a finely-crafted presentation deck.
That's not who we are.
We've created an ads agency specifically for startups earning $1-$10M.
That's our sweet spot, because that's who we are.
As a result, we know exactly what startups want from a partner.
But, we launched on Oct 31st, had a surge of demand, and we can't take on new clients for a bit.
Join the waitlist—we'll reach out when we have open client spots in the new year.
Something fun
Because we mentioned IKEA: